Participation Fees for the Upcoming Season

Dear Members of the Elmbrook Youth Hockey Association,

We hope this message finds you well. We would like to inform you of an important update regarding participation fees for the upcoming season. After thorough deliberation and consideration of our current financial situation, we have decided to increase the participation fees. This decision has not been taken lightly, and we want to ensure you understand the reasons behind it.


No Increase in Fees for Over Six Seasons:

Our participation fees have remained unchanged for over six seasons. During this period, we have faced significant increases in various operational costs.

Ice Rental Fees:

Over the last three years, ice rental fees have increased by more than 15%. Additionally, to accommodate a 56% increase in the number of teams and increased participation levels, we have had to secure additional ice time. This has significantly impacted our overall expenditure.

Referee Fees:

Referee fees have seen an average increase of 24% over the past five seasons. This rise is a necessary adjustment to ensure we maintain a high standard of officiating for our games.

Tournament Fees:

Since the 2020 season (post-COVID), tournament fees have surged by an average of 48%. These tournaments are crucial for the development and competitive exposure of our players, and we need to ensure continued participation.

Administrative and Coaching Expenses:

We have increased our spending on administrative support, including accounting and other essential services, to maintain smooth operations.

Coaching expenses, which include dryland training, securing non-parent coaches, coaching resources and tools, have also risen. These elements are vital for the comprehensive development of our players.

Fall Camp - Skills & Game Play Included in Fees:

This season, we are incorporating 3 weeks of additional fall sessions prior to evaluations in participation fees. These sessions will provide a condensed format to prepare for evaluations focusing on skating, skill work, small area games, and team play which are key concepts utilized during fall evaluations. Attendance is not taken at these sessions, however, they are highly encouraged for participation.

We understand that an increase in participation fees might be challenging for some families, and we assure you that this decision was made after exploring all possible alternatives. The additional funds will be utilized to cover these increased costs and to continue providing a high-quality hockey experience for all our participants.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Please see the program offering pages for fee structure for 2024-2025 season. 

Thank you,

EYHA Board